Animations - Pictures that move
Active Server Pages (ASP) - A form of programming a web page to allow it to interactively respond to client input.  The programming can be done using some of the following programming languages. VBScript, Visual Basic, Java Script, C++.
Apache - Software to allow a Unix server computer to 'serve' up web pages
Authorize Net - An on-line Credit Card Processing company.
Backbone - The medium for transferring data throughout the Internet. This maybe fiber optics, ATM, satellites, copper.  These backbones are provided by major telecommunications companies such as AT&T, Sprint, Qwest, MCI.
Bandwidth - The physical limitations of the cabling.  The higher the bandwidth the more data and faster it is possible of passing through the cabling.
Banners - A graphic (animated or not) with your marketing information that can be displayed on other websites
Browser Software - The software you use to view web sites.  This is usually Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape.
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) - A programming methodology to allow interactive web pages on a Unix server.
Cyber Cash - An on-line Credit Card Processing company.
DNS (Domain Name Service) - A server that holds the individual 'zone' file pointing to the IP address of your website.  The Internic records hold the name and IP addresses of your Domain Name Servers.
DSN (Database System Name) - The 'name' used to allow access to your database residing on the web server.
Dynamic HTML - (DHTML) - HTML that can be displayed using information from a database. Typically store images and verbiage are stored in the database and the DHTML, using a template, will display the product information Dynamically.
E-Commerce - Electronic Commerce. Enabling a website to take and process orders on line.
E-mail - Electronic mail
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - A protocol that allows you to transfer your web pages to a web server.
Front Page - Can be a software application used to create web pages or 'Extensions' installed on a Web Server to allow more functionality for your web pages.
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) -  The coded language used on web pages.
HTML Editor - Software to facilitate the creation of HTML.  Some is Graphical such as FrontPage, Dreamweaver.  Some requires knowledge of HTML coding such as Allaire Home Site and Cold Fusion Studio.
IIS 4.0 - (Microsoft Internet Information Server version 4.0). Software to allow an Microsoft NT server computer to 'serve' up web pages
Internic - The governing organization for managing domain names.  This organization ensures that a domain name is 'unique'.  It also holds the records for the Domain Name Server associated with your website.
Internet Service Provider - A company providing Internet access.  Some provide all functions dial-up connection, Domain Name Service, web site hosting, email, web stats, dedicated circuits - some are more specialized offering web hosting only.
JavaScript - Programming language to allow web pages to be interactive.
Merchant Account - An account setup to process financial order information and through an on-line credit card processing company automatically credit your financial institution with the order information
MetaTags - HTML Tags inserted into your web page to facilitate search engine positioning.
Network Access Points (NAPs) - Points throughout the Internet where Network cabling connects.  These can be public or private depending on the telecommunications company.
Network Backbone - The medium for transferring data throughout the Internet. This maybe fiber optics, ATM, satellites, copper.  These backbones are provided by major telecommunications companies such as AT&T, Sprint, Qwest, MCI.
Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) - A method in which software drivers allow interchanging of database information between database platforms (Microsoft Access, SQL, Oracle, FoxPro, Dbase, etc)
Opt  Email - Email that has been solicited.  When someone visits a site and suggests that they would like information about your product or similar products.  These mailing lists are available for purchase at the typical rate of 15 cents per name.
Perl - Programming language to allow web pages to be interactive.
Point of Presence's (POPs) - Equipment placed in strategic locations used to allow dial-up connections Internet access.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) - Enables the data between a customers web browser and the web server to be encrypted to ensure credit card information is kept secure.  Often times you will see a message informing you that you are entering a secure area and a lock may appear on the bottom of your browser software.  Do not order from stores or sites that do not encrypt your credit card information.
Site Certificate - The technical piece that allows the SSL to be installed on your web site.  Two major companies provide this site certificate - Verisign and Thawte.
Thawte - A company that provides a Site Certificate.  To receive a Site Certificate, your web site domain name should match your company business license.  They validate your organization as a legitimate business, then will issue a site certificate.  Thawte charges $125 per year for a Site Certificate.  (See for more information)
Verisign - A company that provides a Site Certificate.  To receive a Site Certificate, your web site domain name should match your company business license.  They validate your organization as a legitimate business, then will issue a site certificate.  Verisign charges $438 for the 1st year and a reduced price for subsequent years use of the Site Certificate.  (See for more information)
Virtual Shopping Cart - Software that enables you to store orders on a database on the server.
Visual Basic - Programming language to allow web pages to be interactive.
VBScript - Scripting programming language to allow web pages to be interactive.
Web Page - An individual page created in HTML for display through the Internet and Browser software.
Web Site - A collection of Web Pages created in HTML and linked to each other for display through the Internet and Browser software.
Web Server - A server computer that has the necessary software installed to allow web site viewing.   The Microsoft NT Platform most commonly supports Microsoft Internet Information Server and the Unix Platform most commonly support Apache Server
World Wide Web (WWW) - The portion of the Internet allows Web Browser software to interact with websites.
Web Browser - The software you use to view web sites.  This is usually Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape.

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