Web Development Client Portfolio - Listed below is a sampling of some of our clients which come from a wide diversification of business strategies and across the United States.

We pride ourselves on building relationships with our clients.  We have a reputation of providing fast, easy to navigate, professional, effective websites. Whether you need web site hosting and development, just development or help with your development, or just web hosting we are help to help you.

Web Development Clients


WordPress & Content Management System (CMS) Websites

Afghan Hound Club of Greater Denver

American Kennel Club & Afghan Hound Club of America sponsored organization, the AHCGD was looking for an easy to maintain website with an affordable cost.  We chose WordPress on wordpress.com which provides a great solution.


Tumbleweed Travel

Anita needed a little help with her Word Press website.  We made her changes in 2 days and she was quite satisfied. Don't pay inflated prices - call Affluency Webs today. Our rates for minor changes such as this are $15 per hour.

Epona Communications.net

Barb needed a professional look with the ability to easily update her Google Blogger website. We put together a new theme, moved some gadgets and widgits about and the end result is a professional looking effective website.

Afghan Hound International Pedigree Database

The pedigree database is PHP with an XOOPS backend. We tackled some of the necessary changes and changed out our theme to match the parent website.

Block and Bridle Veterinary Service

Utilizes a Content Management System hosted by another provider.  They just needed some help getting a template and some content together.

Custom Websites

GIC Group

Special consideration included easy navigation, detailed product listings.

  • Online Brochure

  • Photo Gallery of Products

  • Graphics 


Buckhorn Valley Kennel Club

Local AKC All Breed Kennel Club. They needed a website to announce upcoming events and attract newcomers. We created to page to also include a sponsor showcase. This website was created using Microsoft FrontPage on a standard hosting platform.

Afghan Hounds International

The website needed a new design.  We designed the template using Microsot Web Expressions Dynamic Templates and then the content area is easily modified and managed by the website owner. We are all over the spectrum with this website for additional products enabling forums and galleries.

Front Range Farmers

Bulldog Landscaping offering Land Reclamation, Custom Farming, Snow Removal and Certified Hay. Although we are waiting on a little content it taken only 2 weeks to put it together.

Northern Colorado Quarter Horse Association

Northern Colorado Quarter Horse Association - a work in progress

Goldmine Kennel

Goldmine Afghan Hounds and Standard Poodles. Over 30 years experience in showing and breeding quality dogs.


Arabians of Lawrence

Privately funded Arabian Horse Rescue owned and managed by Susan Moore K-99 morning DJ personality



North Colorado Body Sculpting

Northern Colorado Body Sculpting medical clinic offering clinical solutions for skin care, meso therapy, weight loss and more

  • Contemporary design

  • Image maps


Kuhl Breeze Kennel

Work in progress for Afghan Hound & Skye Terriers

Casey Lee Green

Work in progress for an upcountry Country & Western performer. Not all links are working, but feel free to view the design work.

  • Design strategy is easy navigation

  • Javascript Menu

Colorado Reinsman

Horse training - Premier Northern Colorado Horse Training - No gimmick, no games, no gadgets - just a solid foundation




Grizzly Rose
Denver's most popular Country & Western Nightclub. Special Features:
  • Design strategy is easy navigation
  • Site and graphic redesign
  • On-line ticketing through 'Ticketmaster'
  • On-line store for Dance Lessons

We managed their website for 8 years. Recent new management acquired a different website. This is only a sample of the work we did for them

Dead Head Ranch
Horse boarding and quality horses for sale Features:
  • Google AdWords - Marketing for Horse Boarding Greeley, Colorado top placement
  • Extended marketing through equine websites


Lorton's Horsemanship
A work in progress

Green Dog Cleaning
Cleaning services for residential, moving, commercial, staged-home cleaning utilizing Green environmentally friendly products:
  • Online Quote calculator (in progress)

The Sled Dawg
Fun website for promoting truck / tractor pulling competitions. Client is member of Colorado Tractor Pull Association

Premier Tiles
Offering Commercial Flooring for retail and distributors  Special Features:
  • Graphic Design 
  • Brochure compatibility

Best Realty and Auction
(Out of Business sample of work only) Real Estate company located in Sidney, Nebraska. Special Features:
  • Backend database for auction calendar
  • Template driven for maintenance by the local office

Dynabody Fitness Equipment
Fitness Equipment manufacturer.  Offers commercial and home gym equipment.  Special Features:
  • Custom made animations
  • Easy of Navigation
  • Image mapping

This is only a sample of the work we did for them

Sample Only
Sample Template

Sample Only
Sample Template

Sample Only
Sample Template:

Shopping Portal
Sample website for shopping portal - image only


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